My involvement in politics was quite by accident and I have closed that chapter of my life and am moving on. Everything I have to say about my past is well documented and I have no interest discussing it anymore. After problems with the family court system interfered with my ability to raise my children I realized the only way to fix the problem was to change the laws the government must follow so that meant getting involved in politics. While the family court system is an abomination and many people have had the same experience it would not be enough for the mainstream voting public to identify with so picked topics that are vital to the strength of the family unit and just common sense and represented those ideals. I knew that my efforts would do little good but it was the only way for me to raise my public profile and let my children know I was doing everything I could to fix the system so ran as a Republican even though I am a Libertarian and entered the shark infested cesspool that is politics. In 2014 began a seven year sabbatical and by 2017 printed my first work titled, It Is Written, Power of God who shows you the way to turn the key of knowledge and open the door to the house of God which is the strait gate to the kingdom, power and glory and answer to the Lords prayer. In 2018 launched Seven Stars Ministry which is outreach and education to preach and teach the keys of knowledge. In 2020 called to order the Elect of God which is made up of Jews, Christians, Muslims and all those who seek truth and now am organizing it into Gods kingdom on earth.

I worked largely in the Republican party although did help Green Independents and Democrats I thought would honor their oath. After a year and a half of trying to secure a candidate to challenge an incumbent U.S. Senator and not finding one decided to run myself. It was a matter of principal to not allow this person go unchallenged and be held accountable for the votes she cast and destroyed so many families in the state and nation. Photo courtesy of MSNBC

It was at this point I grew absolutely disgusted with how corrupt and cowardly the Maine and national Republican party is and unenrolled and ran as an Independent and will never again join a political party. An issue people could not quite understand is the subject of domestic violence so held a press conference explaining how it works. In part, that all it takes is a claim to be made and that is enough to convict you which besides myself my ex had the three men she was with prior to me convicted the same way. Those facts don't matter in the court of law though, you are guilty until you're guilty and she refuses to allow any of the fathers to see their children which the American "justice" system is A OK with. I fought this conviction and did everything I could to clear my name when all this occurred in 2003 which was 14 years ago. I am as guilty of these charges as the ones they leveled on Christ and the other disciples, my biological father raised me to protect women and my mother to respect women. You can watch that press conference HERE. Photo courtesy of the Bangor Daily News

A group of concerned citizens and activists came to me regarding the Common Core education standards and after looking over the issue immediately went to work on a public relations campaign to raise peoples awareness about this law and the negative impact it will have on government and society. I crafted the legislation to repeal the law and kicked off the campaign and we were able to get the same governor who signed the law to issue an executive order blocking it which is unheard of but we stopped it. Photo courtesy of WABI TV 5

The press conference was covered by FOX News, the Huffington Post, and many other mainstream media out lets and blogs. You can read my response to the owner and entire editorial board of the Lewiston Sun Journal HERE.

Another issue important to myself and the people of the state of Maine is the second amendment which is the right to keep and bear arms. Most politicians and bureaucrats know they can not strip us of our rights all at once so they do it a little bit at a time so we pushed back and after 25 years of patriots working to strike down and repeal this law requiring citizens to apply for a concealed carry permit to carry a pistol under your coat in Maine the total effort paid off and succeeded. Photo courtesy of WLBZ 2, WCSH 6

The only people who are not allowed to arm and protect themselves from the government are prisoners and slaves. If a person is such a threat to society that they can't be trusted to not to harm another then they should not be released from incarceration. Aside from that, these laws do nothing to protect anyone and historically speaking the governments of the world have slaughtered more innocent people than anything else. Only after they have disarmed the population of course. You can learn more about that HERE

An issue that hit very close to home for me was the matter of Parental Consent and ability for parents to protect their little girls aged 12 and under from sexual assault and abuse. In our schools, teachers and other staff need the parents permission for everything from giving an aspirin to taking them on a field trip. The only exception to the rule is abortion so if a little girl aged 12 and under is raped the parents consent and knowledge is not needed. This causes serious issues because it lets the sex offender consent for the abortion and prevents the predator from ever getting caught. When you hear that a lot of rapes go unreported, this is a big reason why. So I crafted the legislation to repeal this law and launched the campaign. Photo courtesy of WGME 13

Many people know that big money controls everything regarding our politicians and government and that the citizens have no say in the matter. In one instance, I was contacted to provide the opposing viewpoint to Planned Parenthoods position that parents should not have any say in the reproductive health of their daughters aged 12 and under. You can read over those insights HERE.

Same sex marriage is an issue, like abortion, parental rights and gun rights where it is hard for people to sort through all the static, propaganda and rhetoric to actually understand what these laws are about and how they will effect us. You don't have to be a girl to care about abortion, a homosexual to care about same sex marriage or a gun owner to care about the second amendment. A law effects everyone so it is important we get as many people in on the conversation as possible. You can look over an article I wrote about the matter HERE and I posted a 5 minute video highlighting and underscoring what this law will do and how it will effect you. You can view that video HERE

In 2012 we launched the Maine Equal Rights Center, a non profit, non partisan government watch dog agency which focused on crafting meaningful legislation, repealing anti American and unconstitutional laws. I was the founder and CEO as well as the Principle Officer for the Citizens For A Better Maine Political Action Committee We also ran candidates for office, one of which included Sheriff of Washington County. I wrote many op eds - columns/analysis pieces and conducted interviews with local, state and national television and radio stations such as Mother Jones magazine, FOX News, the Huffington Post over a host of issues. You can look over some of our work HERE

In 2011 I was asked to run for mayor of Portland and since it was a down year with not a lot going on, I did.

One Republican I worked for was Governor Paul LePage in 2010 as an Independent Contractor and would speak on his behalf at events, online or to the media. Chit chatting with the host of the Maine Successful Thinkers Forum in Portland, ME.

After the dinner and presentation during the question and answer session many of those voters who were not going to support the governor ended up in his column.
In 2009-2010 I co founded and launched the Maine Web News. I wrote, produced, directed and edited content, hosted a show called The Pulse of Maine with Erick Bennett and was part of a forum called the Pine State Debate where I debated folks like the Executive Director of the ACLU in Maine, candidates for U.S. Senate, the Governorship and state representatives. You can view some of the work we did HERE

In 2008 I knew there would be no easy way so I just had to go for it. I had just spent the last 3 years in and out of jail because I would not admit to something I didn't do so I was out of work a lot and said to myself that there is no perfect time to start something so I ran my first political campaign for a state representative. This campaign was against an 8 term incumbent who had owned a drug store in the community for 30 years. I knew I had a snow balls chance in hell but we have to start somewhere... (Stock photo courtesy of the Waterville Morning Sentinel 2008)