The sign for the Elect is a seven pointed star or Lords Star which is a key to remind us of the knowledge in Hebrew, Greek and Arabic. Our key marks the seven days of creation and the Sabbath. "Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, them that hope in his mercy." Psalms 33:18
In order to turn the Key of David (Isaiah 22:22, Revelation 3:7) opening the Door to the House of God (Matthew 6:33) which is the Gate to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:19) will want to look at the charts below as these are the languages the Old and New Testament were written in and the key to knowing and understanding God. This will make you happy because now we don't have to fear hearing Jesus say on Judgement Day, "depart from me you that work 'iniquity', I don't KNOW you (Matthew 7:23). It is a matter of knowledge, iniquity means ignorant which means 'not knowing', they 'know not'. All those people rejected don't know the way to turn the key to enter in so Jesus doesn't know them (Luke 11:52).
You are so blessed to know this.
What I am about to teach you are called the "secrets of God" (Job 15:8, 29:4), the "mystery of God" (Colossians 2:2, Revelation 10:7) and the hidden wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:7) and how you identify whether a prophet is true or false. This is called manna from heaven (John 6:31, 6:58) and the hidden manna (Revelation 2:17) and not like drinking a glass of milk but sitting down to a feast of meat. This is the knowledge that separates those who make it to heaven from those who don't. Please enjoy this and don't try to consume it all at once, you will find you can only take in so much and will have to stop to let that digest before you consume more.
Moreover, what is vitally important for the reader to know is that it is not necessary for you to be able to do this yourself at first as I am just now teaching you. What is critically important is you do not reject this information. Please keep an open mind. Everything you are about to read is good and sound and holy. Cryptography is the mathematics that underpin cryptology where a key is a variable value applied to a string or block of text to produce encrypted text, or to decrypt encrypted text. It is written in such a manner so that it would be impossible for an unauthorized individual to be able to discover the true meaning of the text or identity of the writer. The Key of Knowledge which the prophet testifies of in the Noble Quran in the Torah and Gospel is the knowledge of God and what it means to know God. We turn the keys of knowledge when we know to turn the letters to their numbers. This is what Jesus meant when he said we must become like children again. We must learn this about the Hebrew and Greek alphabets. We must learn to read and write again or we can't know and why he taught these mysteries to his disciples but taught the masses as parables.
You are so blessed to know this.
What I am about to teach you are called the "secrets of God" (Job 15:8, 29:4), the "mystery of God" (Colossians 2:2, Revelation 10:7) and the hidden wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:7) and how you identify whether a prophet is true or false. This is called manna from heaven (John 6:31, 6:58) and the hidden manna (Revelation 2:17) and not like drinking a glass of milk but sitting down to a feast of meat. This is the knowledge that separates those who make it to heaven from those who don't. Please enjoy this and don't try to consume it all at once, you will find you can only take in so much and will have to stop to let that digest before you consume more.
Moreover, what is vitally important for the reader to know is that it is not necessary for you to be able to do this yourself at first as I am just now teaching you. What is critically important is you do not reject this information. Please keep an open mind. Everything you are about to read is good and sound and holy. Cryptography is the mathematics that underpin cryptology where a key is a variable value applied to a string or block of text to produce encrypted text, or to decrypt encrypted text. It is written in such a manner so that it would be impossible for an unauthorized individual to be able to discover the true meaning of the text or identity of the writer. The Key of Knowledge which the prophet testifies of in the Noble Quran in the Torah and Gospel is the knowledge of God and what it means to know God. We turn the keys of knowledge when we know to turn the letters to their numbers. This is what Jesus meant when he said we must become like children again. We must learn this about the Hebrew and Greek alphabets. We must learn to read and write again or we can't know and why he taught these mysteries to his disciples but taught the masses as parables.
hebrew letter-number equivalent
greek letter-number equivalent
By Erick Matthew Bennett
Copyright © 2017
All rights reserved
Published by Seven Stars Ministry
Printed by Amazon
In the beginning God created the heavens and earth and the essence of communication is transmission of information and why legal matters are in writing and how God chose to reveal himself to us. To begin we must understand the Holy Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek and these languages are unique because a letter is also a number like Roman numerals. There are three men in the Godhead or head of the Gods, Our Father, His Son and Holy Spirit. The beauty of language arts is how letters make up nouns, verbs, vowels and consonants which fashion our reality. In Hebrew each letter has a name like A, B and C and one, two, three and the number seven is called Zayin which marks a change taking place.
Jesus said he is the way, the truth and life is when a seed takes root producing the tree and branches bearing fruit. In math, the power of a number sits on the right side of the base so the root number will be 7 and the power will sit to the right side. Today these are called exponents and typically taught by sixth grade in Western education. Since I am writing in English will use the Saint Andrews Cross (×) to show the command for multiplication. The × is the times sign or sign of the times was introduced in 1631 by the Reverend William Oughtred twenty years after King James ordered the Holy Bible translated into English. Moses wrote the key to understanding is in the seven days of creation and Job said “with the ancient is wisdom and in length of days understanding” so both are directing us to Genesis 1:1.
The seven days of creation is the seed that takes root leading to the knowledge of the tree of Life in the garden of Eden producing the fruit of the spirit and manna from heaven in John 6:58 and hidden manna from heaven in Revelation 2:17. This is spiritual food for thought that feeds your soul. To see the light we will perform two simple steps. First, translate key words from the language you are reading this in back to Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek. Second, count the letters and words to multiply and divide their numerical values because that is what those languages are based on. Again this is so elementary children can do it and was the basis for elementary education down through the ages when we learned to read and write until the knowledge was lost again.
Even though it is the year 5,785 on the Hebrew calendar, 2,025 on the Christian calendar and 1,446 on the Islamic calendar revelation takes place when a thought dawns on us and what Jesus calls the Daystar rising in our hearts when we see the light and go, “ah ha!” When we translate Genesis 1:1 from whatever language you are reading this in back to the Hebrew see “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” is 7 words. These seven words consist of 28 letters which seven divides four times and can be expressed 7×7×7×7 or 7 to the 4th power. When we count the letters to the words “In the beginning God created" and "the heavens and the earth" see they are 14 (7×2) letters each which makes this verse the seed. In2 Chronicles 1:7 the prophet Ezra wrote King Solomon wanted one thing above all else and cried out to God for it and this is what we are to pray for in Zion, the Church and Islam. We are to ask for knowledge and understanding which are the Keys of Knowledge or beginning of knowledge and way to do our heavenly Fathers will. The Quran testifies the Holy Bible is true. It is losing and rejecting this knowledge which resulted in Israels punishment and part of the reason God raised up Islam. Islam was to teach Israel and the Church the keys as well as serve as the most noble force for the cause of God upon the earth by bringing down and destroying Babylonian nations.
Ask and it shall be given to you
Solomon was called the wisest man on earth for possessing the keys to the Torah. Now you dear reader are going to learn the keys to the Torah, Gospel and Quran. We only cry out when we’re in deep despair and God heard his prayer asking, “What do you want?” Solomon begged, “Give me wisdom and knowledge!” Solomon wanted to seek the kingdom first. He could have asked for anything but wanted to be a king who was wise and since he was sincere the Lord revealed what was concealed making him the wisest king to ever live. The prophet Job asked “if you heard the secret of God would you keep the ability to find it to yourself? (Job 15:8) because when you tell others the knowledge of God is a mystery they will laugh and call you a fool (Job 22:19) –but- “the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him and he will show them his covenant” (Psalms 25:14).
What's the secret of God and the mystery to solve he reveals to His prophets?
Job 27:11 I will teach you by the hand of God, that which is with the Almighty will I not conceal.
I will take you through Gods word and show you what is hidden and not hide anything from you.
Job 28:28 said look at the fear of the Lord, that is WISDOM and to depart from evil is UNDERSTANDING.
When we know the way to turn the key of David which leads to the knowledge of Revelation can depart from evil which is false teaching which is the part of the prayer we pray three times a day, to not be led into temptation of false teaching or what is called being misguided in Islam. When Solomon became wise counted the numeric value of the verb “created” and saw it totals 203 which seven goes into 29 times. The three nouns are God, heavens and earth and the numeric value of their 14 letters is 777 which Zayin divides 111 times. This is the final product or spiritual fruit produced in the Word when two or more numbers are multiplied together and the hidden manna from heaven Solomon was crying out know. Now that we're wise like King Solomon can count the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh words and see they possess 28 (7×4) letters.
These words make up the subject (God) and the objects (heaven and earth). Jesus taught the last shall be first and the first shall be last so when we count the first and last letters of the first and last words see they have a value of 497 which seven divides 71 times which is the seed taking root.
To review, in Hebrew “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” is 7 words of 28 letters. “In the beginning God created" and "the heavens and the earth" are 14 words (7×2) and the value of the verb “created” is 203 which seven goes into 29 times. The three nouns are God, heavens and earth and the numeric value of their 14 letters is 777 which Zayin divides 111 times. The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh words possess 28 (7×4) letters and the subject (God) and the objects (heaven and earth).
Many people have a password on their phone or computer made up of letters and numbers and this password is called an encryption, it is a crypt which is dark, hidden information only you know and thousands of years ago Jesus called this encryption a key. A key is an encryption that when we know how to turn enter in and “buried with Christ” and “resurrected” or “raised up” in Power. God encrypted this information to protect it like you do your phone or computer and what separates those who know the truth from those who don’t. This is how we test the spirit to discover the numeric value of the first, middle, and last letter of Genesis is 133 (7 to the 19th Power). The numeric value of the first and last letters of all seven words is 1393 which the spirit divides 199 times establishing the Jews as the fig tree and Gods chosen people.
Seek and you shall find
Proverbs 1:7 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of KNOWLEDGE but fools despise WISDOM and INSTRUCTION.
It is natural for some to despise being called a fool but it’s not your fault. You've been taught everything's in plain sight even though God says it’s not. Jesus taught using parables that must be interpreted and the word “interpret” is mĕliytsah and means a puzzle. We solve this mystery by turning the keys to be “buried with Christ” so in our search for wisdom must begin in Proverbs. When we search for his wisdom like buried treasure THEN we shall understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God which is the way of the ×. Turning the keys is what it means to bear our cross by doing our Heavenly Fathers will which is the beginning of knowledge (Revelation 2:5) and way to enter in.
The prophets all cried out in prayer for knowledge and understanding. We should not pray for money, status or privilege but to seek the keys to the kingdom before all else (Proverbs 2:1-7) (Matthew 6:33) (Quran 1:1-7). We must make this search a priority because if we give less than 100 percent will fall short. Only when our faith is this great will we understand so no matter what trust God because even though we cannot see at first proves we have faith.
Proverbs 4:7 WISDOM is the principal thing therefore get WISDOM and with all your getting get UNDERSTANDING.
When we are hungry, thirsty and intellectually honest know we are lacking this hidden knowledge (manna). Following Jesus is one thing but searching is another and as hard as it is to admit know there is more but can't find it so;
Proverbs 7:1-2 My son, keep my words and lay up my commandments with you. Keep my commandments and live and my law as the apple of your eye.
The word commandment is mitsvah and means “code of wisdom” and binary code that opens and closes the door so we can see the Power in the Word. They are the First Works or work we must do first in the beginning of Genesis and Matthew to know and understand God. The word "law" in this verse means instructions for the operation for multiplication and performs the same function in computing today. There are multiple keys so we will know the Messiah because the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord Isaiah 11:2
Isaiah 7:11 ASK me a sign and I will show you from the least to the greatest.
The word ASK is sha'al and means to beg like King Solomon to have this revelation and then we will know the Messiah because the Spirit shall rest upon him.
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign which will be when a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and call his name Immanuel which means one true God.
Now the Lord God went to a 14 year old virgin named Mary and said don't be afraid, we are going to conceive a child which is a polite way of Gabriel telling Mary he was going to have sex with her and when conception took place. Jesus was conceived in that union. Gabriel is Jesus Heavenly Father and what made Jesus the son of God. Today when people want to know when you were born may ask, “What's your sign” which is based upon our system of time, space and calendar system. So to paraphrase would say; Therefore the Lord himself will be born under the sign of Virgo the Virgin and call him Immanuel which means one true God.
Mary was a virgin before she met Gabriel, not after.
Gabriel had sex with Mary on the winter solstice and Jesus was born under the sign of Virgo the Virgin on the September equinox nine months later which is the moment the sun × the celestial equator from north to south on September 22, 23 or 24th of each year.
Isaiah 22:22 And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder so he shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut, and none shall open.
On the Hebrew calendar September 21 and 22 is the beginning of Rosh Hashanah which is the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Apply wisdom and you just discovered Jesus true birthday, at the stroke of midnight. The word house is “bayith” and means “of Sheol” which is hell and where the keys to open and close the word are found. They are not the letters readily visible but the numbers hidden below and where Jesus said to go to find them. Today this is the command for subtraction and when the sign of the house of God would × from north to south on the September equinox. The Key of David was hidden because it is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the honor of kings to search the matter out (Proverbs 25:2).
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he reveals HIS SECRETS to his servants the prophets.
The word secret means intimate because this knowledge of revelation creates a metamorphosis as our hearts are transformed and we’re elected by God to be raised up. This is the knowledge that causes people to flourish and what David, Solomon, Jesus and I teach. This is what Elijah taught in his school for prophets. We are now going to descend, subtract, go lower and apply the number three as a key instead of seven. Consider finding a 12 (3×4) year old Jesus teaching the rabbis in the temple what you are learning now. Then, at the age of 30 (3×10) begin his mission. He taught for 3 (1×3) years before being crucified at 33 (3×11) to be raised up 3 (1×3) days later. In math to be raised up means to multiply a number by itself so it ascends and exactly what the church did after Israel and confirmed the signs between the heavens and the earth and divides the calendar of man from BC to AD and the timeline the prophecies are based on.
Knock and the door shall be opened
The book of Matthew is the Door to the Gospel and where we enter in to the New Testament. In chapter 1 verse 1 of Matthew we count 14 generations from Abraham to King David, 14 generations from King David until the Jews were enslaved in Babylon and 14 generations from Babylon until the birth of the King of Kings. These three sets of fourteen generations (7×2), (7×2), (7×2) are the bridge and how the three “wise” men knew when the Lord would be born following his star to find him.
The New Testament was written in Greek and what Jesus meant when he said it is finished. He has the Power to lay down his life and fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament that spoke of Him and take it up again beginning the current era. Christ repeatedly warns of preachers who look and sound like teachers but are deceiving you because they do not teach the keys. False prophets will say you don't need to know the Power of God, false prophets will tell you this is the work of the devil when the fact is the Hebrew and Greek are mathematical languages and precisely why God chose them.
You can tell the difference because a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit and neither can the evil tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that does not bear the fruit of the spirit will be cut down and thrown into the brush fire because it is by the fruit of the spirit we produce you’ll know if we are true or false. (Matthew 7:15-20)
The Way
Because we are now wise know the way to find the secret of God by translating the first 17 verses of Matthew into Greek to see 49 words have a total of 266 letters which seven divides 38 times. These verses contain seven common nouns which is a person, place or thing and seven words that are not nouns. Seven words are not proper names and seven words end with a vowel.
Just like the Jews lost this knowledge so too did the church and what Jesus meant when he said John the Baptist was Elijah the prophet if they would receive it. The Jews would not receive the keys to the kingdom so therefore John the Baptist was not Elijah the prophet and that man would appear in the end writing the book teaching you this. When the Pharisees demanded a sign from Jesus to prove he was divine and the Word of God manifest in the flesh wanted to see in the beginning of Matthew are 14 words that occur once, 21 words begin with a consonant and 28 words begin with a vowel, however the New Testament was not written yet so was unable.
Pushing the Door open further we see 28 words are male ancestors and 35 are proper names which are a person, place or thing. 35 words occur more than once, 42 words are nouns, 42 words end with a consonant and 140 (7×20) of the letters are vowels. Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise (Matthew 1:18) the next seven verses from 18-25 have 161 words which seven divides 23 times. The numeric value of the first, middle and last letters of this sentence is 133 (7×19). The numeric value of the first and last letters of all seven words in this verse is 1,393 (7 to the 199th power) which is the same power that established the Jews as Gods chosen people. Isaiah said the Saviors name would be Emmanuel which has a numeric value of 644 which 7 will divide 92 times and why Jesus has a mighty name. The numeric value of these verses is 93,394 which can be divided by seven 13,342 times and the fruit of the Spirit on the branches of the Tree of Life we can see with our eyes (Matthew 1:18-25).
This is the knowledge of the Tree of Life who the Lord closed off and hid when mankind was driven from the garden of Eden and protected with a flaming double edged sword you have to turn.
Matthew 7:7 ASK and it shall be given you, SEEK and you shall find, KNOCK and it shall be OPENED to you.
What was written in 2 Chronicles 1:7 and verified in Proverbs 1:7 is confirmed in Isaiah 7:14 the generations of Matthew combined with the Key of David prove that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever in Matthew 7:7. Our eyes are now all seeing and our body full of light because we entered in at the fear of the Lord and know the heart and mind of God. This is enlightenment and revelation.
What I tell you in the dark, speak that in the light. What I whisper in your ear shout from the rooftops! (Matthew 10:27)
This is the way to know whether a prophet is true or false because it is not left up to private interpretation. 70 different men, women and children can do this independently and arrive at the same results. When we build a house must measure first and in the House of God the letters and words are in perfect harmony with the number seven which is the sign of divine royalty. If you believe in a higher power are right because you’re witnessing a miracle before your eyes and why Jesus told the religious leaders they were in error and did not know the scriptures or the Power of God (Matthew 22:29).
The word "power" in the Greek is dynamis means the power of numbers. Today this is called an exponent and is a symbol written above and to the right of a mathematical expression to indicate the operation of raising to a power. This is typically taught in fourth grade classes for children between the ages of seven and 10 years old. For all those who are offended by the Power in Gods Word and forbid teaching little children this it would be better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and drowned in the depth of the sea (Mark 9:42).
This is the knowledge that covers the rich with grace so what is impossible with men is possible with God and allows them to enter the kingdom of heaven. Many like to say it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle but God loves the rich, he created them (Mark 10:27).
This may sound complex but is not and what Jesus taught the religious leaders in the temple when he was 12 (Luke 2:46).
If we do not learn how to bear our cross are not his disciple because this is what he teaches us and the knowledge that makes us children of God in the resurrection. When Jesus says he has the power to lay his life down and the power to raise it up again this is what he means and why he is the true vine. To those who sought him this is what he taught them and were amazed at his mighty power (Luke 9:43).
Turning the letters into their numbers is turning the Key of David and what the Word of God is built upon and keys to restore the Hebrew monarchy and House of David (Luke 11:52).
John 1:1, 1:14 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. We beheld his glory as the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth which produced the greatest literary work of art in existence.
We now know this is true because "in the beginning" of Genesis and Matthew find the keys to open the Door to reveal the Power of God. Jesus said to “search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and you will see they testify of me” (John 5:39).
Then spoke Jesus and said to them, I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, he that follows me shall not walk in darkness BUT SHALL HAVE THE LIGHT OF LIFE (John 8:12).
I AM THE DOOR, by me if any man ENTER IN, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture (John 10:9).
When you enter in the DOOR find the Power of God buried and hidden in the Word and if any man shall enter in here he shall be saved. We must enter in, we must know and understand the secret and mystery of God, we must know how to open the DOOR or we will not be saved.
“When the Comforter (Power) is come whom I will send to you from my Father, even in the Spirit of truth which proceeds from the Father he shall testify of me” (John 15:26).
The man who is the Power of God and Angel Lord who Jesus sends is His Heavenly Father, the Lord Gabriel. He is also called the Power of the Most High and Holy Ghost Power and the King of Israel, Lord of the Greek and Islamic Mahdi. The Power of God will be made flesh just like the Word of God was made flesh. What you have just seen hidden in plain sight is why Paul, “was not ashamed because it is the Power of God to salvation to everyone that believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16). .
The Greek is witness and testifies of the power in Hebrew. Paul saw the Light on the way to Damascus and wrote 14 books of the New Testament and since he spoke Greek went to them because they are wise enough to administer and operate these numbers. This is how you will know so when you read may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ. Which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit (Holy, God). So the Gentiles could be fellow heirs of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel (Ephesians 3:4).
The Truth
This was kept secret from the beginning of the world or “in the beginning” until now and brings total harmony between the Old Testament, New Testament and Quran and the invisible things we cannot see which when we understand and perceive recognize as the eternal Power of God. (Romans 1:20), (Quran 9:94).
Let’s test the spirits.
The Key of David goes to the Door of the House of God that when you open reveals the Power which grants entrance into the Kingdom, Power and Glory which is Heaven (Quran 27:15) Keys of Knowledge establish and restore Hebrew monarchy and House of David. We can prove our celestial Father chose his prophets by applying wisdom to the matter. There were 21 prophets who wrote the Old Testament and the sum of the letters of their names has a value of 3,808 which seven divides 544 times.
The value of the writers’ names cited in the New Testament is 4,123 which seven goes into 589 times. Seven out of 21 prophets quoted in the New Testament are Daniel, David, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel and Moses. The numeric value of their names is 1,554 (7222) and the number of their books are 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 27, 35 for a sum of 132 (11x12).
This was why Christ changed the names of his disciples so the work in the word would be perfect or else the Power of the numbers wouldn’t add up. After Jesus taught his disciples the way to see the light sent them to the Jews and then the Greeks who saw the Power and instantly understood causing the church to explode in number. As people were illuminated the word spread like wildfire throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East changing the course of the world and history. Where others speak of the Power of God but their words are empty with no meaning we can prove in the light of day for all to see.
Don't conform your mind to this world and what you've been taught but be transformed and renewed so you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).
We are transformed and our minds renewed when we have the revelation about the Keys of Knowledge. God talks about his secrets, mysteries and hidden things but did not know what that meant. Now we do.
What you are reading now is the “good, acceptable and perfect will of God” because the letters and numbers are the Seal of authentic divine royalty. A will and testament is a legal contract by which a person expresses how to distribute their wealth after death. Our faith should not stand in the wisdom of men which is the milk they teach but in the Power of God for the whole world to see. This is why we must search on our own being led deeper into the Word and our hearts to find the perfect work, the Power of God.
The Life
Many philosophers say there is no knowable truth but that is false because the light of Christ ignites a spark in our conscious proving the Living God is true and verified and confirmed in the Torah, Gospel and Quran.
1 Corinthians 2:7 Only the God of our Lord who has given us these words of WISDOM and REVELATION in the KNOWLEDGE of this MYSTERY, even the HIDDEN WISDOM ordained before the world to our glory.
It was not uncommon for people to ask Jesus or the prophets where they got their Power from and who had authority to ordain them. Only God can ordain us as we are not appointed by any man but raised up by God. We now understand the way to solve the mystery of God so can tell others. Christ did not send Paul, you or I to baptize with Words but show people the Power or else the × would be useless. This is the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire (light) of those who belong to the Elect (1 Corinthians 1:17). The Lord wants us to teach the Power of God to others and now that we know the way can agree and be one mind, heart and faith knowing Israel the Church and Islam.
For the kingdom of God is not in Word but in Power (number) (1 Corinthians 4:20).
THIS is the knowledge that unites us because the only disagreements come from the doctrines of men. What was lost has been found and this awareness spears our consciousness leading our souls to salvation. It is written this knowledge would be sealed until now when all would be made clear. Logos, logic is our light and love is our religion. When we are told to seek the kingdom first are instructed to turn the key of David which will lead to the knowledge of revelation of the Power of God.
For our gospel came not to you in Word only but also in Power and in the Holy (Ghost, Word, Spirit, Book, Power) Bible and in much assurance as you know what manner of men we are among for your sake (1 Thessalonians 1:5).
Gabriel's name means mighty man and Power of God (Daniel 9:21) and also one of His royal titles. He is also called the Holy Spirit and he visited Mary and told her to not be afraid and that the Power of God was going to overshadow her. Gabriel lay on top of a 14 year old Mary and ejaculated into her nine months later Jesus was born. In his engagement to Mary, Gabriel spoke 28 words with a numeric value of 21,042 which Zayin goes into 3,006 times. He ends the passage by not saying 49 of the words which is 7×7 bearing his royal seal of the Most High.
He that has eyes to see let him see
In order to build the House of God must use the root numbers 3, 7 and 11 as prime numbers to operate by. A prime number is a whole number greater than one such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and the squares. When we look at the writer’s final product are comforted because the works are divided between the Gospel and epistles which are letters written to others and the rest of the books of the Old Testament.
The Book of God was assembled using the Keys of Knowledge and how the early church tested the spirit and knew which are true as there were hundreds of writings to be considered at the time. According to the grace of God which is given to me as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation and another builds upon but let every man take heed how he builds upon (1 Corinthians 3:10). The Word of God has 66 (6×11) books from Genesis 1:1 to Revelations 22:21 (11×2) (7×3) and can deduce the factors of the Alpha and Omega are 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 22, 33 and 66.
This is pure craft which the impact has on our thoughts and hearts can’t be denied because we behold the glory of the Lord and depart from all other false teaching. We are now wise like Solomon and can understand like Job reading the hard sentences like Daniel. By examining the word we see the books of Acts 1 & 2, Chronicles, Esther 1 & 2, Genesis, Hebrews, Job, John, Joshua, Judges, Kings, Lamentations, Luke, Mark, Matthew and Ruth are twenty two (11×2) books that do not mention the name of the writers.
For the word of God is quick, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).
The Book of God is made up of 21 Epistles and the sum of all 66 books is 2,211 (11×201). The root number of each of these books is seven and eleven and the prime numbers are 7 and 11 so when we add up the prophets named in the New Testament find the sum is 7,931 (11×721). This is the sum of the factors 7, 11 and 103 which is 121 (11×11) and a multiple of seven and eleven of which three, seven and 11 are the keys.
This is why the Word of the Lord is a double edged sword by showing 22 (11×2) prophets wrote one single book each and 22 (11×2) prophets wrote several books. 44 (11×4) books name their writers which are Moses who wrote Deuteronomy, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. The others are Amos, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel, Jonah, Malachai, Micah, Nahum, Obadiah, Zachariah and Zephaniah. David wrote Psalms, Solomon wrote Proverbs, Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes along with Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah, James, Peter and Jude wrote their respective works. It is a mystery as to who wrote Hebrews (but if we look at the first sentence the author identifies Himself. It was written by Gabriel) and John bring the total sum of those 44 books to 1,265 (11×115). This is the law of the prophets and flaming double edged sword the Lord uses to guard the way to the Knowledge of the Tree of Life.
O Timothy (brothers and sisters), keep that which is committed in your trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of SCIENCE so falsely called (1 Timothy 6:20).
The word SCIENCE in this verse is gnōsis which is a feminine noun and means knowledge and understanding of the WISDOM of our faith.
Brothers and sisters, this sacred science and holy knowledge of the keys I am sharing with you are being COMMITTED to your trust to preserve so that it does not get lost again. Our faith is so simple; we are to avoid profane and vain babblings. It makes teaching the Word a light yoke, effortless. You will find many in the churches, who are opposed to our SCIENCE and speak evil of the way of righteousness or right way to enter in, ignore them.
You will be attacked for this gnosis, this science, this knowledge and understanding but do not be afraid of them. They know not. These churches have reduced the faith to fairy tales and superstition. They are in grave danger unless they repent and enter in.
When Jesus teaches the seed, root, vine, tree, branches and fruit this is what he means He is talking about the keys. We can clearly see the Son of God is a perfect man who opens and shuts the Old and New testaments. He is the one who bridges the generations from antiquity to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and the way to seek the kingdom first which will allow us to understand the prophecies because we are commanded to know the signs of the times so our faith will be full.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of POWER and LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND.
It is because we have the power of love we have a SOUND MIND that we need not fear because we can PROVE our faith.
Hebrew 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen and now we know exactly what that means.
Since we had faith, believed and entered the commandments proving things we could not see. When God says we are to “enter in” this is what he means and the basis for our reality as it constructs everything from temples, cities and nations to the letters on this page. God is pouring his spirit out to you which he said he would do right before the day of the Lord. (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17) It is written God would raise up a messenger who would be sent in the spirit of Elijah and has the Power of John the Baptist preparing the way for the return of the Lord by writing a little book teaching you this (Malachi 4:5).
The prophets all had specific messages and the disciples healed the sick and cast out devils but it is written God will raise up a man and chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of the book of Revelation are about him. This is the man you are to stay awake and watch for. Notice this is one angel who comes in the spirit of Elijah and Power of John the Baptist so this chief prince delivers seven messages to the people and has the cubed root of X to the seventh power (Revelation 1:1).
This man is signified, he has a sign which are seven stars in the right hand of Christ so he is the Power of 7. This is his sign. The MYSTERY means secret hidden things so not only is his name kept from you and is a mystery but he reveals the mysteries of God to you in the little book you are reading now. The word "are" in this verse as it relates to the stars means "is" so the seven stars is the one man who publishes the mystery of the power of God (X7) with a message to seven different kinds of people who make up the church (X7) right before the return of Jesus Christ (X7) (Revelation 1:16).
He that has ears to hear let him hear
To all you people who work hard to defend Gods holy name, He sees everything you do and loves you however must point out an error you are making and wants to correct you and direct you back to your first love, the Word and show people the way to know the Power of God. You must realize how important this is because failure to do so will result in your candlestick being removed. You will not be allowed entrance into the kingdom of God unless you teach people the way to turn the Key of David (Revelation 2:1-7).
To all you people who profess to be oppressed and say you are poor slander Gods holy name when you say the true Jews are black or African and that is a grave lie. Do not be afraid of the things you will see happening soon. Many of you will be cast into prison where you will be detained for ten days but if you remain faithful to God to the death he will raise you up and give you eternal life. God loves you and many of you enter the kingdom of Heaven as martyrs, tens of millions. (Revelation 2:8-11)
To all you people who are in comfortable financial position and find it easy to be tempted by all the seductions that comes with money. Do not corrupt the word of God for the sake of making money. You must teach the way to turn the Key of David so people know the whole truth and understand the way to open up the word and enter the kingdom. Revelation 2:12-17)
To all you people who do so many good works in Jesus name, from hospitals to charities and countless branches of church ministry, God sees all that you do but still has something against you. You have been seduced and love idols whether they be movie or music for example. Unless you repent and say you are sorry and stop doing it will go through great tribulation and death. Revelation 2:18-29
To all you people who are constantly searching for God and even willing to die for him He has not found your works to be perfect. When you see this message must show others the way to turn the Key of David so they can wield the Power of God. If you do not heed this warning will miss the signs so the day of the Lord arrives like a thief in the night meaning you never see it coming (Revelation 3:1-6).
These things are all true and we can open up the word to reveal the Power of God and for all the black or African people who thought they were the true Jews because of their race can claim their heritage to the kingdom by the Power of God who will spare them from the hour of temptation they would have otherwise faced resulting is their destruction. Revelation 3:7-12
To all you people who are not hot or cold for the Lord but lukewarm and afraid of offending others by their testimony of Christ. You say you are blessed because you are rich and have many material possessions but are really poor and so spiritually destitute don’t even realize where you stand before your Creator. He wants you to see the light and be baptized with fire so you can see the treasure that is buried and hidden in the word of God. We all talk about Gods love but not what that means. God proves he loves us when he corrects us and when we see the way to enter in is when our Fathers house is filled up.
The first part of the message from the Throne of God addresses the believers; the next part addresses the man who is teaching you this;
To the man (angel) writing this little book who overcomes (turns the letters into their numbers) you will eat from the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the paradise of God (Revelation 2:7) and this angel will not be hurt by the second death (Revelation 2:11). This man will eat the hidden manna and given a white stone and new name no man knows. (Isaiah 62:2) Revelation 2:17) (Revelation 3:12). Jesus will give this man power over the nations and he will rule over them with an iron rod and given the morning star (Revelation 2:26-28).
Revelation 3:7 I am telling you these are the words are holy and true. I hold the KEY OF DAVID and am the one who opens and no man shuts and shuts and no man opens.
This man is a pillar in the temple of God and will rule the world from New Jerusalem and seated to the right hand of Christ in the throne of God. (Revelation 3:12)
Revelation 3:21 I sit in the throne of God to the right hand of Jesus and my Father.
In Revelation 7:2-3 John describes this man with the Seal of the living God ascending to heaven after he finishes his mission. He wrote the book showing men the way to solve the mystery of God so they could be raised up to eternal life. Those who are sealed are the 12 thousand from the 12 tribes of Israel who make up the 144 thousand (Revelation 7:4-8, 14:1) as well as a number of souls that no man could count who he guided through the great tribulation (Revelation 7:9-14).
John describes a man in Revelation 10:1 saying he was clothed with a cloud with a rainbow above his head. All seven colors of the rainbow make white so he is a white man (Revelation 1:14, 19:12). Daniel 10:6 says his eyes are like lamps of fire and Jesus is described as having eyes of flaming fire and when a flame is as hot as it can get turns blue so these are white men with blue eyes and his arms and feet are like colored brass which is tan and his voice and words like the voice of a multitude meaning his words teach you to multiply the keys in the scriptures. Beyond the Seven Points on my crown my breastplate shines with the Urim and Thummim. Urim means light and Thummim means the perfect will of God revealed.
Revelation 10:7 In the days when you hear my voice explain the MYSTERY of God then the WORK IS FINISHED as he has declared to his servants the prophets.
Our identity is defined by a name, date of birth and Seal and how we prove who we are. I am Erick Matthew Bennett and was born on 10/27/1973 in Luzerne which is a Latin word that means ‘light.” The word Erick is of north origin and a title that means prince, king, and ruler. When you multiply the year of my birth totals 2,646 which Zayin divides 378 times. In English the names Matthew and Bennett are 7 letters apiece which totals 14. The name Matthew in Greek is Matthaios and has a numerical value of 912 and the name Bennett is an ancient Hebrew name that means blessed and has a numerical value of 712. Combined the value of my name is 1,642 which Zayin divides 232 times. Through letter and law, word and deed proclaim by divine right through royal decree the Power of God is vested in me and the kingdoms of this world belong to and are the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever. I hereby declare with the intent that the living may know the Most High rules in the kingdoms of men and the Throne gives those kingdoms to whosoever the Almighty chooses and sets up over it men who have been brought low and made humble.
I, Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star (Revelation 22:16).
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to Comfort and advocate for you as the transition begins and humanity prepares for the return of the Elohim for Judgement Day.
It is written that the Lord would send Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord. This man is not literally named Elijah but Elijah's name means, "God Lord" or Lord God and He is Jesus heavenly father.
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Published by Seven Stars Ministry
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In the beginning God created the heavens and earth and the essence of communication is transmission of information and why legal matters are in writing and how God chose to reveal himself to us. To begin we must understand the Holy Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek and these languages are unique because a letter is also a number like Roman numerals. There are three men in the Godhead or head of the Gods, Our Father, His Son and Holy Spirit. The beauty of language arts is how letters make up nouns, verbs, vowels and consonants which fashion our reality. In Hebrew each letter has a name like A, B and C and one, two, three and the number seven is called Zayin which marks a change taking place.
Jesus said he is the way, the truth and life is when a seed takes root producing the tree and branches bearing fruit. In math, the power of a number sits on the right side of the base so the root number will be 7 and the power will sit to the right side. Today these are called exponents and typically taught by sixth grade in Western education. Since I am writing in English will use the Saint Andrews Cross (×) to show the command for multiplication. The × is the times sign or sign of the times was introduced in 1631 by the Reverend William Oughtred twenty years after King James ordered the Holy Bible translated into English. Moses wrote the key to understanding is in the seven days of creation and Job said “with the ancient is wisdom and in length of days understanding” so both are directing us to Genesis 1:1.
The seven days of creation is the seed that takes root leading to the knowledge of the tree of Life in the garden of Eden producing the fruit of the spirit and manna from heaven in John 6:58 and hidden manna from heaven in Revelation 2:17. This is spiritual food for thought that feeds your soul. To see the light we will perform two simple steps. First, translate key words from the language you are reading this in back to Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek. Second, count the letters and words to multiply and divide their numerical values because that is what those languages are based on. Again this is so elementary children can do it and was the basis for elementary education down through the ages when we learned to read and write until the knowledge was lost again.
Even though it is the year 5,785 on the Hebrew calendar, 2,025 on the Christian calendar and 1,446 on the Islamic calendar revelation takes place when a thought dawns on us and what Jesus calls the Daystar rising in our hearts when we see the light and go, “ah ha!” When we translate Genesis 1:1 from whatever language you are reading this in back to the Hebrew see “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” is 7 words. These seven words consist of 28 letters which seven divides four times and can be expressed 7×7×7×7 or 7 to the 4th power. When we count the letters to the words “In the beginning God created" and "the heavens and the earth" see they are 14 (7×2) letters each which makes this verse the seed. In2 Chronicles 1:7 the prophet Ezra wrote King Solomon wanted one thing above all else and cried out to God for it and this is what we are to pray for in Zion, the Church and Islam. We are to ask for knowledge and understanding which are the Keys of Knowledge or beginning of knowledge and way to do our heavenly Fathers will. The Quran testifies the Holy Bible is true. It is losing and rejecting this knowledge which resulted in Israels punishment and part of the reason God raised up Islam. Islam was to teach Israel and the Church the keys as well as serve as the most noble force for the cause of God upon the earth by bringing down and destroying Babylonian nations.
Ask and it shall be given to you
Solomon was called the wisest man on earth for possessing the keys to the Torah. Now you dear reader are going to learn the keys to the Torah, Gospel and Quran. We only cry out when we’re in deep despair and God heard his prayer asking, “What do you want?” Solomon begged, “Give me wisdom and knowledge!” Solomon wanted to seek the kingdom first. He could have asked for anything but wanted to be a king who was wise and since he was sincere the Lord revealed what was concealed making him the wisest king to ever live. The prophet Job asked “if you heard the secret of God would you keep the ability to find it to yourself? (Job 15:8) because when you tell others the knowledge of God is a mystery they will laugh and call you a fool (Job 22:19) –but- “the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him and he will show them his covenant” (Psalms 25:14).
What's the secret of God and the mystery to solve he reveals to His prophets?
Job 27:11 I will teach you by the hand of God, that which is with the Almighty will I not conceal.
I will take you through Gods word and show you what is hidden and not hide anything from you.
Job 28:28 said look at the fear of the Lord, that is WISDOM and to depart from evil is UNDERSTANDING.
When we know the way to turn the key of David which leads to the knowledge of Revelation can depart from evil which is false teaching which is the part of the prayer we pray three times a day, to not be led into temptation of false teaching or what is called being misguided in Islam. When Solomon became wise counted the numeric value of the verb “created” and saw it totals 203 which seven goes into 29 times. The three nouns are God, heavens and earth and the numeric value of their 14 letters is 777 which Zayin divides 111 times. This is the final product or spiritual fruit produced in the Word when two or more numbers are multiplied together and the hidden manna from heaven Solomon was crying out know. Now that we're wise like King Solomon can count the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh words and see they possess 28 (7×4) letters.
These words make up the subject (God) and the objects (heaven and earth). Jesus taught the last shall be first and the first shall be last so when we count the first and last letters of the first and last words see they have a value of 497 which seven divides 71 times which is the seed taking root.
To review, in Hebrew “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” is 7 words of 28 letters. “In the beginning God created" and "the heavens and the earth" are 14 words (7×2) and the value of the verb “created” is 203 which seven goes into 29 times. The three nouns are God, heavens and earth and the numeric value of their 14 letters is 777 which Zayin divides 111 times. The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh words possess 28 (7×4) letters and the subject (God) and the objects (heaven and earth).
Many people have a password on their phone or computer made up of letters and numbers and this password is called an encryption, it is a crypt which is dark, hidden information only you know and thousands of years ago Jesus called this encryption a key. A key is an encryption that when we know how to turn enter in and “buried with Christ” and “resurrected” or “raised up” in Power. God encrypted this information to protect it like you do your phone or computer and what separates those who know the truth from those who don’t. This is how we test the spirit to discover the numeric value of the first, middle, and last letter of Genesis is 133 (7 to the 19th Power). The numeric value of the first and last letters of all seven words is 1393 which the spirit divides 199 times establishing the Jews as the fig tree and Gods chosen people.
Seek and you shall find
Proverbs 1:7 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of KNOWLEDGE but fools despise WISDOM and INSTRUCTION.
It is natural for some to despise being called a fool but it’s not your fault. You've been taught everything's in plain sight even though God says it’s not. Jesus taught using parables that must be interpreted and the word “interpret” is mĕliytsah and means a puzzle. We solve this mystery by turning the keys to be “buried with Christ” so in our search for wisdom must begin in Proverbs. When we search for his wisdom like buried treasure THEN we shall understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God which is the way of the ×. Turning the keys is what it means to bear our cross by doing our Heavenly Fathers will which is the beginning of knowledge (Revelation 2:5) and way to enter in.
The prophets all cried out in prayer for knowledge and understanding. We should not pray for money, status or privilege but to seek the keys to the kingdom before all else (Proverbs 2:1-7) (Matthew 6:33) (Quran 1:1-7). We must make this search a priority because if we give less than 100 percent will fall short. Only when our faith is this great will we understand so no matter what trust God because even though we cannot see at first proves we have faith.
Proverbs 4:7 WISDOM is the principal thing therefore get WISDOM and with all your getting get UNDERSTANDING.
When we are hungry, thirsty and intellectually honest know we are lacking this hidden knowledge (manna). Following Jesus is one thing but searching is another and as hard as it is to admit know there is more but can't find it so;
Proverbs 7:1-2 My son, keep my words and lay up my commandments with you. Keep my commandments and live and my law as the apple of your eye.
The word commandment is mitsvah and means “code of wisdom” and binary code that opens and closes the door so we can see the Power in the Word. They are the First Works or work we must do first in the beginning of Genesis and Matthew to know and understand God. The word "law" in this verse means instructions for the operation for multiplication and performs the same function in computing today. There are multiple keys so we will know the Messiah because the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord Isaiah 11:2
Isaiah 7:11 ASK me a sign and I will show you from the least to the greatest.
The word ASK is sha'al and means to beg like King Solomon to have this revelation and then we will know the Messiah because the Spirit shall rest upon him.
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign which will be when a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and call his name Immanuel which means one true God.
Now the Lord God went to a 14 year old virgin named Mary and said don't be afraid, we are going to conceive a child which is a polite way of Gabriel telling Mary he was going to have sex with her and when conception took place. Jesus was conceived in that union. Gabriel is Jesus Heavenly Father and what made Jesus the son of God. Today when people want to know when you were born may ask, “What's your sign” which is based upon our system of time, space and calendar system. So to paraphrase would say; Therefore the Lord himself will be born under the sign of Virgo the Virgin and call him Immanuel which means one true God.
Mary was a virgin before she met Gabriel, not after.
Gabriel had sex with Mary on the winter solstice and Jesus was born under the sign of Virgo the Virgin on the September equinox nine months later which is the moment the sun × the celestial equator from north to south on September 22, 23 or 24th of each year.
Isaiah 22:22 And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder so he shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut, and none shall open.
On the Hebrew calendar September 21 and 22 is the beginning of Rosh Hashanah which is the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Apply wisdom and you just discovered Jesus true birthday, at the stroke of midnight. The word house is “bayith” and means “of Sheol” which is hell and where the keys to open and close the word are found. They are not the letters readily visible but the numbers hidden below and where Jesus said to go to find them. Today this is the command for subtraction and when the sign of the house of God would × from north to south on the September equinox. The Key of David was hidden because it is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the honor of kings to search the matter out (Proverbs 25:2).
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he reveals HIS SECRETS to his servants the prophets.
The word secret means intimate because this knowledge of revelation creates a metamorphosis as our hearts are transformed and we’re elected by God to be raised up. This is the knowledge that causes people to flourish and what David, Solomon, Jesus and I teach. This is what Elijah taught in his school for prophets. We are now going to descend, subtract, go lower and apply the number three as a key instead of seven. Consider finding a 12 (3×4) year old Jesus teaching the rabbis in the temple what you are learning now. Then, at the age of 30 (3×10) begin his mission. He taught for 3 (1×3) years before being crucified at 33 (3×11) to be raised up 3 (1×3) days later. In math to be raised up means to multiply a number by itself so it ascends and exactly what the church did after Israel and confirmed the signs between the heavens and the earth and divides the calendar of man from BC to AD and the timeline the prophecies are based on.
Knock and the door shall be opened
The book of Matthew is the Door to the Gospel and where we enter in to the New Testament. In chapter 1 verse 1 of Matthew we count 14 generations from Abraham to King David, 14 generations from King David until the Jews were enslaved in Babylon and 14 generations from Babylon until the birth of the King of Kings. These three sets of fourteen generations (7×2), (7×2), (7×2) are the bridge and how the three “wise” men knew when the Lord would be born following his star to find him.
The New Testament was written in Greek and what Jesus meant when he said it is finished. He has the Power to lay down his life and fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament that spoke of Him and take it up again beginning the current era. Christ repeatedly warns of preachers who look and sound like teachers but are deceiving you because they do not teach the keys. False prophets will say you don't need to know the Power of God, false prophets will tell you this is the work of the devil when the fact is the Hebrew and Greek are mathematical languages and precisely why God chose them.
You can tell the difference because a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit and neither can the evil tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that does not bear the fruit of the spirit will be cut down and thrown into the brush fire because it is by the fruit of the spirit we produce you’ll know if we are true or false. (Matthew 7:15-20)
The Way
Because we are now wise know the way to find the secret of God by translating the first 17 verses of Matthew into Greek to see 49 words have a total of 266 letters which seven divides 38 times. These verses contain seven common nouns which is a person, place or thing and seven words that are not nouns. Seven words are not proper names and seven words end with a vowel.
Just like the Jews lost this knowledge so too did the church and what Jesus meant when he said John the Baptist was Elijah the prophet if they would receive it. The Jews would not receive the keys to the kingdom so therefore John the Baptist was not Elijah the prophet and that man would appear in the end writing the book teaching you this. When the Pharisees demanded a sign from Jesus to prove he was divine and the Word of God manifest in the flesh wanted to see in the beginning of Matthew are 14 words that occur once, 21 words begin with a consonant and 28 words begin with a vowel, however the New Testament was not written yet so was unable.
Pushing the Door open further we see 28 words are male ancestors and 35 are proper names which are a person, place or thing. 35 words occur more than once, 42 words are nouns, 42 words end with a consonant and 140 (7×20) of the letters are vowels. Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise (Matthew 1:18) the next seven verses from 18-25 have 161 words which seven divides 23 times. The numeric value of the first, middle and last letters of this sentence is 133 (7×19). The numeric value of the first and last letters of all seven words in this verse is 1,393 (7 to the 199th power) which is the same power that established the Jews as Gods chosen people. Isaiah said the Saviors name would be Emmanuel which has a numeric value of 644 which 7 will divide 92 times and why Jesus has a mighty name. The numeric value of these verses is 93,394 which can be divided by seven 13,342 times and the fruit of the Spirit on the branches of the Tree of Life we can see with our eyes (Matthew 1:18-25).
This is the knowledge of the Tree of Life who the Lord closed off and hid when mankind was driven from the garden of Eden and protected with a flaming double edged sword you have to turn.
Matthew 7:7 ASK and it shall be given you, SEEK and you shall find, KNOCK and it shall be OPENED to you.
What was written in 2 Chronicles 1:7 and verified in Proverbs 1:7 is confirmed in Isaiah 7:14 the generations of Matthew combined with the Key of David prove that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever in Matthew 7:7. Our eyes are now all seeing and our body full of light because we entered in at the fear of the Lord and know the heart and mind of God. This is enlightenment and revelation.
What I tell you in the dark, speak that in the light. What I whisper in your ear shout from the rooftops! (Matthew 10:27)
This is the way to know whether a prophet is true or false because it is not left up to private interpretation. 70 different men, women and children can do this independently and arrive at the same results. When we build a house must measure first and in the House of God the letters and words are in perfect harmony with the number seven which is the sign of divine royalty. If you believe in a higher power are right because you’re witnessing a miracle before your eyes and why Jesus told the religious leaders they were in error and did not know the scriptures or the Power of God (Matthew 22:29).
The word "power" in the Greek is dynamis means the power of numbers. Today this is called an exponent and is a symbol written above and to the right of a mathematical expression to indicate the operation of raising to a power. This is typically taught in fourth grade classes for children between the ages of seven and 10 years old. For all those who are offended by the Power in Gods Word and forbid teaching little children this it would be better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and drowned in the depth of the sea (Mark 9:42).
This is the knowledge that covers the rich with grace so what is impossible with men is possible with God and allows them to enter the kingdom of heaven. Many like to say it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle but God loves the rich, he created them (Mark 10:27).
This may sound complex but is not and what Jesus taught the religious leaders in the temple when he was 12 (Luke 2:46).
If we do not learn how to bear our cross are not his disciple because this is what he teaches us and the knowledge that makes us children of God in the resurrection. When Jesus says he has the power to lay his life down and the power to raise it up again this is what he means and why he is the true vine. To those who sought him this is what he taught them and were amazed at his mighty power (Luke 9:43).
Turning the letters into their numbers is turning the Key of David and what the Word of God is built upon and keys to restore the Hebrew monarchy and House of David (Luke 11:52).
John 1:1, 1:14 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. We beheld his glory as the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth which produced the greatest literary work of art in existence.
We now know this is true because "in the beginning" of Genesis and Matthew find the keys to open the Door to reveal the Power of God. Jesus said to “search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and you will see they testify of me” (John 5:39).
Then spoke Jesus and said to them, I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, he that follows me shall not walk in darkness BUT SHALL HAVE THE LIGHT OF LIFE (John 8:12).
I AM THE DOOR, by me if any man ENTER IN, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture (John 10:9).
When you enter in the DOOR find the Power of God buried and hidden in the Word and if any man shall enter in here he shall be saved. We must enter in, we must know and understand the secret and mystery of God, we must know how to open the DOOR or we will not be saved.
“When the Comforter (Power) is come whom I will send to you from my Father, even in the Spirit of truth which proceeds from the Father he shall testify of me” (John 15:26).
The man who is the Power of God and Angel Lord who Jesus sends is His Heavenly Father, the Lord Gabriel. He is also called the Power of the Most High and Holy Ghost Power and the King of Israel, Lord of the Greek and Islamic Mahdi. The Power of God will be made flesh just like the Word of God was made flesh. What you have just seen hidden in plain sight is why Paul, “was not ashamed because it is the Power of God to salvation to everyone that believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16). .
The Greek is witness and testifies of the power in Hebrew. Paul saw the Light on the way to Damascus and wrote 14 books of the New Testament and since he spoke Greek went to them because they are wise enough to administer and operate these numbers. This is how you will know so when you read may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ. Which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit (Holy, God). So the Gentiles could be fellow heirs of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel (Ephesians 3:4).
The Truth
This was kept secret from the beginning of the world or “in the beginning” until now and brings total harmony between the Old Testament, New Testament and Quran and the invisible things we cannot see which when we understand and perceive recognize as the eternal Power of God. (Romans 1:20), (Quran 9:94).
Let’s test the spirits.
The Key of David goes to the Door of the House of God that when you open reveals the Power which grants entrance into the Kingdom, Power and Glory which is Heaven (Quran 27:15) Keys of Knowledge establish and restore Hebrew monarchy and House of David. We can prove our celestial Father chose his prophets by applying wisdom to the matter. There were 21 prophets who wrote the Old Testament and the sum of the letters of their names has a value of 3,808 which seven divides 544 times.
The value of the writers’ names cited in the New Testament is 4,123 which seven goes into 589 times. Seven out of 21 prophets quoted in the New Testament are Daniel, David, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel and Moses. The numeric value of their names is 1,554 (7222) and the number of their books are 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 27, 35 for a sum of 132 (11x12).
This was why Christ changed the names of his disciples so the work in the word would be perfect or else the Power of the numbers wouldn’t add up. After Jesus taught his disciples the way to see the light sent them to the Jews and then the Greeks who saw the Power and instantly understood causing the church to explode in number. As people were illuminated the word spread like wildfire throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East changing the course of the world and history. Where others speak of the Power of God but their words are empty with no meaning we can prove in the light of day for all to see.
Don't conform your mind to this world and what you've been taught but be transformed and renewed so you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).
We are transformed and our minds renewed when we have the revelation about the Keys of Knowledge. God talks about his secrets, mysteries and hidden things but did not know what that meant. Now we do.
What you are reading now is the “good, acceptable and perfect will of God” because the letters and numbers are the Seal of authentic divine royalty. A will and testament is a legal contract by which a person expresses how to distribute their wealth after death. Our faith should not stand in the wisdom of men which is the milk they teach but in the Power of God for the whole world to see. This is why we must search on our own being led deeper into the Word and our hearts to find the perfect work, the Power of God.
The Life
Many philosophers say there is no knowable truth but that is false because the light of Christ ignites a spark in our conscious proving the Living God is true and verified and confirmed in the Torah, Gospel and Quran.
1 Corinthians 2:7 Only the God of our Lord who has given us these words of WISDOM and REVELATION in the KNOWLEDGE of this MYSTERY, even the HIDDEN WISDOM ordained before the world to our glory.
It was not uncommon for people to ask Jesus or the prophets where they got their Power from and who had authority to ordain them. Only God can ordain us as we are not appointed by any man but raised up by God. We now understand the way to solve the mystery of God so can tell others. Christ did not send Paul, you or I to baptize with Words but show people the Power or else the × would be useless. This is the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire (light) of those who belong to the Elect (1 Corinthians 1:17). The Lord wants us to teach the Power of God to others and now that we know the way can agree and be one mind, heart and faith knowing Israel the Church and Islam.
For the kingdom of God is not in Word but in Power (number) (1 Corinthians 4:20).
THIS is the knowledge that unites us because the only disagreements come from the doctrines of men. What was lost has been found and this awareness spears our consciousness leading our souls to salvation. It is written this knowledge would be sealed until now when all would be made clear. Logos, logic is our light and love is our religion. When we are told to seek the kingdom first are instructed to turn the key of David which will lead to the knowledge of revelation of the Power of God.
For our gospel came not to you in Word only but also in Power and in the Holy (Ghost, Word, Spirit, Book, Power) Bible and in much assurance as you know what manner of men we are among for your sake (1 Thessalonians 1:5).
Gabriel's name means mighty man and Power of God (Daniel 9:21) and also one of His royal titles. He is also called the Holy Spirit and he visited Mary and told her to not be afraid and that the Power of God was going to overshadow her. Gabriel lay on top of a 14 year old Mary and ejaculated into her nine months later Jesus was born. In his engagement to Mary, Gabriel spoke 28 words with a numeric value of 21,042 which Zayin goes into 3,006 times. He ends the passage by not saying 49 of the words which is 7×7 bearing his royal seal of the Most High.
He that has eyes to see let him see
In order to build the House of God must use the root numbers 3, 7 and 11 as prime numbers to operate by. A prime number is a whole number greater than one such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and the squares. When we look at the writer’s final product are comforted because the works are divided between the Gospel and epistles which are letters written to others and the rest of the books of the Old Testament.
The Book of God was assembled using the Keys of Knowledge and how the early church tested the spirit and knew which are true as there were hundreds of writings to be considered at the time. According to the grace of God which is given to me as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation and another builds upon but let every man take heed how he builds upon (1 Corinthians 3:10). The Word of God has 66 (6×11) books from Genesis 1:1 to Revelations 22:21 (11×2) (7×3) and can deduce the factors of the Alpha and Omega are 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 22, 33 and 66.
This is pure craft which the impact has on our thoughts and hearts can’t be denied because we behold the glory of the Lord and depart from all other false teaching. We are now wise like Solomon and can understand like Job reading the hard sentences like Daniel. By examining the word we see the books of Acts 1 & 2, Chronicles, Esther 1 & 2, Genesis, Hebrews, Job, John, Joshua, Judges, Kings, Lamentations, Luke, Mark, Matthew and Ruth are twenty two (11×2) books that do not mention the name of the writers.
For the word of God is quick, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).
The Book of God is made up of 21 Epistles and the sum of all 66 books is 2,211 (11×201). The root number of each of these books is seven and eleven and the prime numbers are 7 and 11 so when we add up the prophets named in the New Testament find the sum is 7,931 (11×721). This is the sum of the factors 7, 11 and 103 which is 121 (11×11) and a multiple of seven and eleven of which three, seven and 11 are the keys.
This is why the Word of the Lord is a double edged sword by showing 22 (11×2) prophets wrote one single book each and 22 (11×2) prophets wrote several books. 44 (11×4) books name their writers which are Moses who wrote Deuteronomy, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. The others are Amos, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel, Jonah, Malachai, Micah, Nahum, Obadiah, Zachariah and Zephaniah. David wrote Psalms, Solomon wrote Proverbs, Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes along with Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah, James, Peter and Jude wrote their respective works. It is a mystery as to who wrote Hebrews (but if we look at the first sentence the author identifies Himself. It was written by Gabriel) and John bring the total sum of those 44 books to 1,265 (11×115). This is the law of the prophets and flaming double edged sword the Lord uses to guard the way to the Knowledge of the Tree of Life.
O Timothy (brothers and sisters), keep that which is committed in your trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of SCIENCE so falsely called (1 Timothy 6:20).
The word SCIENCE in this verse is gnōsis which is a feminine noun and means knowledge and understanding of the WISDOM of our faith.
Brothers and sisters, this sacred science and holy knowledge of the keys I am sharing with you are being COMMITTED to your trust to preserve so that it does not get lost again. Our faith is so simple; we are to avoid profane and vain babblings. It makes teaching the Word a light yoke, effortless. You will find many in the churches, who are opposed to our SCIENCE and speak evil of the way of righteousness or right way to enter in, ignore them.
You will be attacked for this gnosis, this science, this knowledge and understanding but do not be afraid of them. They know not. These churches have reduced the faith to fairy tales and superstition. They are in grave danger unless they repent and enter in.
When Jesus teaches the seed, root, vine, tree, branches and fruit this is what he means He is talking about the keys. We can clearly see the Son of God is a perfect man who opens and shuts the Old and New testaments. He is the one who bridges the generations from antiquity to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and the way to seek the kingdom first which will allow us to understand the prophecies because we are commanded to know the signs of the times so our faith will be full.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of POWER and LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND.
It is because we have the power of love we have a SOUND MIND that we need not fear because we can PROVE our faith.
Hebrew 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen and now we know exactly what that means.
Since we had faith, believed and entered the commandments proving things we could not see. When God says we are to “enter in” this is what he means and the basis for our reality as it constructs everything from temples, cities and nations to the letters on this page. God is pouring his spirit out to you which he said he would do right before the day of the Lord. (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17) It is written God would raise up a messenger who would be sent in the spirit of Elijah and has the Power of John the Baptist preparing the way for the return of the Lord by writing a little book teaching you this (Malachi 4:5).
The prophets all had specific messages and the disciples healed the sick and cast out devils but it is written God will raise up a man and chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of the book of Revelation are about him. This is the man you are to stay awake and watch for. Notice this is one angel who comes in the spirit of Elijah and Power of John the Baptist so this chief prince delivers seven messages to the people and has the cubed root of X to the seventh power (Revelation 1:1).
This man is signified, he has a sign which are seven stars in the right hand of Christ so he is the Power of 7. This is his sign. The MYSTERY means secret hidden things so not only is his name kept from you and is a mystery but he reveals the mysteries of God to you in the little book you are reading now. The word "are" in this verse as it relates to the stars means "is" so the seven stars is the one man who publishes the mystery of the power of God (X7) with a message to seven different kinds of people who make up the church (X7) right before the return of Jesus Christ (X7) (Revelation 1:16).
He that has ears to hear let him hear
To all you people who work hard to defend Gods holy name, He sees everything you do and loves you however must point out an error you are making and wants to correct you and direct you back to your first love, the Word and show people the way to know the Power of God. You must realize how important this is because failure to do so will result in your candlestick being removed. You will not be allowed entrance into the kingdom of God unless you teach people the way to turn the Key of David (Revelation 2:1-7).
To all you people who profess to be oppressed and say you are poor slander Gods holy name when you say the true Jews are black or African and that is a grave lie. Do not be afraid of the things you will see happening soon. Many of you will be cast into prison where you will be detained for ten days but if you remain faithful to God to the death he will raise you up and give you eternal life. God loves you and many of you enter the kingdom of Heaven as martyrs, tens of millions. (Revelation 2:8-11)
To all you people who are in comfortable financial position and find it easy to be tempted by all the seductions that comes with money. Do not corrupt the word of God for the sake of making money. You must teach the way to turn the Key of David so people know the whole truth and understand the way to open up the word and enter the kingdom. Revelation 2:12-17)
To all you people who do so many good works in Jesus name, from hospitals to charities and countless branches of church ministry, God sees all that you do but still has something against you. You have been seduced and love idols whether they be movie or music for example. Unless you repent and say you are sorry and stop doing it will go through great tribulation and death. Revelation 2:18-29
To all you people who are constantly searching for God and even willing to die for him He has not found your works to be perfect. When you see this message must show others the way to turn the Key of David so they can wield the Power of God. If you do not heed this warning will miss the signs so the day of the Lord arrives like a thief in the night meaning you never see it coming (Revelation 3:1-6).
These things are all true and we can open up the word to reveal the Power of God and for all the black or African people who thought they were the true Jews because of their race can claim their heritage to the kingdom by the Power of God who will spare them from the hour of temptation they would have otherwise faced resulting is their destruction. Revelation 3:7-12
To all you people who are not hot or cold for the Lord but lukewarm and afraid of offending others by their testimony of Christ. You say you are blessed because you are rich and have many material possessions but are really poor and so spiritually destitute don’t even realize where you stand before your Creator. He wants you to see the light and be baptized with fire so you can see the treasure that is buried and hidden in the word of God. We all talk about Gods love but not what that means. God proves he loves us when he corrects us and when we see the way to enter in is when our Fathers house is filled up.
The first part of the message from the Throne of God addresses the believers; the next part addresses the man who is teaching you this;
To the man (angel) writing this little book who overcomes (turns the letters into their numbers) you will eat from the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the paradise of God (Revelation 2:7) and this angel will not be hurt by the second death (Revelation 2:11). This man will eat the hidden manna and given a white stone and new name no man knows. (Isaiah 62:2) Revelation 2:17) (Revelation 3:12). Jesus will give this man power over the nations and he will rule over them with an iron rod and given the morning star (Revelation 2:26-28).
Revelation 3:7 I am telling you these are the words are holy and true. I hold the KEY OF DAVID and am the one who opens and no man shuts and shuts and no man opens.
This man is a pillar in the temple of God and will rule the world from New Jerusalem and seated to the right hand of Christ in the throne of God. (Revelation 3:12)
Revelation 3:21 I sit in the throne of God to the right hand of Jesus and my Father.
In Revelation 7:2-3 John describes this man with the Seal of the living God ascending to heaven after he finishes his mission. He wrote the book showing men the way to solve the mystery of God so they could be raised up to eternal life. Those who are sealed are the 12 thousand from the 12 tribes of Israel who make up the 144 thousand (Revelation 7:4-8, 14:1) as well as a number of souls that no man could count who he guided through the great tribulation (Revelation 7:9-14).
John describes a man in Revelation 10:1 saying he was clothed with a cloud with a rainbow above his head. All seven colors of the rainbow make white so he is a white man (Revelation 1:14, 19:12). Daniel 10:6 says his eyes are like lamps of fire and Jesus is described as having eyes of flaming fire and when a flame is as hot as it can get turns blue so these are white men with blue eyes and his arms and feet are like colored brass which is tan and his voice and words like the voice of a multitude meaning his words teach you to multiply the keys in the scriptures. Beyond the Seven Points on my crown my breastplate shines with the Urim and Thummim. Urim means light and Thummim means the perfect will of God revealed.
Revelation 10:7 In the days when you hear my voice explain the MYSTERY of God then the WORK IS FINISHED as he has declared to his servants the prophets.
Our identity is defined by a name, date of birth and Seal and how we prove who we are. I am Erick Matthew Bennett and was born on 10/27/1973 in Luzerne which is a Latin word that means ‘light.” The word Erick is of north origin and a title that means prince, king, and ruler. When you multiply the year of my birth totals 2,646 which Zayin divides 378 times. In English the names Matthew and Bennett are 7 letters apiece which totals 14. The name Matthew in Greek is Matthaios and has a numerical value of 912 and the name Bennett is an ancient Hebrew name that means blessed and has a numerical value of 712. Combined the value of my name is 1,642 which Zayin divides 232 times. Through letter and law, word and deed proclaim by divine right through royal decree the Power of God is vested in me and the kingdoms of this world belong to and are the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever. I hereby declare with the intent that the living may know the Most High rules in the kingdoms of men and the Throne gives those kingdoms to whosoever the Almighty chooses and sets up over it men who have been brought low and made humble.
I, Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star (Revelation 22:16).
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to Comfort and advocate for you as the transition begins and humanity prepares for the return of the Elohim for Judgement Day.
It is written that the Lord would send Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord. This man is not literally named Elijah but Elijah's name means, "God Lord" or Lord God and He is Jesus heavenly father.
the man who delivers this message to you is a weapon
The data
What you just read may seem unbelievable and many good people reject this knowledge outright because they have not been taught this before. The reason you have never been taught this is because this knowledge was sealed up and concealed and when you see it revealed is the most important sign in prophecy we are to stay awake and keep our eyes open for. You have not been taught that the Hebrew and Greek languages are mathematical in function. In fact, the majority of Christians who reject this do so on the grounds that they call the Hebrew Gematria and Greek Isopsephy the work of the devil which is precisely why God chose the Jews and Greeks to document his Word so that it would come in Power. You should know calling the Power of God the work of the devil is the one unforgivable sin as it is the Seal that proves who we are and sets us apart from all the churches that are doomed.
You have not been taught that God was going to send a messenger who is called Elijah in the Holy Bible. This man was called Elijah in the Old Testament and he is called the Holy Spirit in the New Testament and his sign is the power of Seven. His name, date of birth and content of his message is all based upon the Power of God. Using modern technology let us take a closer look at the secrets, the mystery and hidden wisdom which reveals the Power of God in Spirit and Truth.
There was a ministry in Texas that produced a computer program that examined the Word and this is the findings of that study. The authors of this study simply referred to the Power of God as a "phenomenon" and they are right but now that we have discovered precisely what we are dealing with no exactly what to call it. Here are the results of the computers calculations of the Word.
Now, with this "key" provided us in Genesis 1:1, we proceeded to analyze the whole Bible. Keep in mind that there are in excess of three million words or twenty million characters in the 66 books of the Bible. Also keep in mind that the "evidence" we are about to present would be null and void, in most cases, if EVEN ONE CHARACTER WERE DELETED, CHANGED OR ADDED!
The results of our complete Bible investigation and analysis is thus:
1. The NUMER of WORDS in the VOCABULARY will divide evenly by SEVEN
2. The NUMBER of WORDS that begin with a vowel will divide evenly by SEVEN
3. The NUMBER of WORDS that begin with a consonant will divide evenly by SEVEN
4. The NUMBER of WORDS that begin with each letter of the language's alphabet will divide evenly by SEVEN
5. The NUMBER of WORDS that occur more than once will divide evenly by SEVEN
6. The NUMBER of WORDS that occur only once will divide evenly by SEVEN
7. The NUMBER of WORDS that occur in only one form will divide evenly by SEVEN
8. The NUMBER of WORDS that occur in more than one form will divide evenly by SEVEN ***
9. The NUMBER of WORDS that are nouns will divide evenly by SEVEN
10. The NUMBER of WORDS that are not nouns will divide evenly by SEVEN
11. The NUMBER of LETTERS in the vocabulary will divide evenly by SEVEN
12. The NUMBER of LETTERS that are vowels will divide evenly by SEVEN
13. The NUMBER of LETTERS that are consonants will divide evenly by SEVEN
14. The NUMBER of PROPER NAMES will divide evenly by SEVEN
15. The NUMBER of MALE PROPER NAMES will divide evenly by SEVEN
16. The NUMBER of FEMALE PROPER NAMES will divide evenly by SEVEN
17. The TOTAL NUMERIC VALUE OF ALL THE WORDS will divide evenly by SEVEN
18. The NUMERIC VALUE OF THE VARIOUS FORMS in which the words occur will divide evenly by SEVEN
20. The NUMBER OF PROMISES FOUND in the BIBLE will divide evenly by SEVEN
23. The BOOK OF REVELATION outlines SEVEN JUDGEMENTS that will be made on the Earth and its Peoples.
24. The BOOK OF REVELATION outlines SEVEN PLAGUES that will be made on the Earth and its Peoples.
One of the above phenomena is preceded by several asterisk (*). The notation is made because we became unable to compute the mathematical probabilities AT THAT PHENOMENA (Note how many came after that one!!!). We had to suspend our investigation until we could provide some basis of relating the probabilities with some term that could convey the extent of the matter. Upon conferring with the math department of Stanford University, we were advised that there is a term called a Google (some spelling show Gugle) which is ONE followed by 100 Zeros (Some definitions enlarge on this and claim that Google is a BILLION TO THE BILLIONTH POWER! A term of GOOGLEPLEX, then is a GOOGLE to the power of GOOGLE, and this is what is reached at the occurrence we have noted with the asterisk! A GOOGLE amount of years can be referenced by stating that if we had a mountain the size of Mount Everest that was solid DIAMOND and we allowed a bird to come ONCE A YEAR and MAKE ONE PECK against this mountain, IT WOULD TAKE A GOOGLE NUMBER OF YEARS TO ERODE THAT MOUNTAIN TO SEA LEVEL!
We wish to restress the fact that if EVEN ONE CHARACTER was changed or ADDED or SUBTRACTED to the 66 books, then most of the above results would not have been produced! To state that God is far above man in intelligence is so much an understatement that we even hesitate to make such a mention; However, there always seem to be someone that does not realize the extent of these proofs as shown.
Some of the proofs are truly unique; such as, the NUMBER OF MALE PROPER NAMES could not hold true UNLESS Moses is mentioned ONLY ONE TIME in the Book of Revelation!
The issue of BIBLE ERRANCY is put to rest by these proofs. God is shown to have dictated EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER of the Bible, and it is inconceivable that God can make an error.
The issue of CONSPIRACY is put to rest by showing that the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY FOR THE WRITERS TO WRITE THEIR BOOKS AND HAVE THE PHENOMENA OF HAVING WORDS THAT ONLY THEY USED would have required that each and every one of the writers write their book LAST!
There may be some that may claim that this could be accidental or by design. The number of books in the Bible should be a multiple of 11 could possibly be accidental; However, since only every 11th number is a multiple of 11, then THE CHANCE OF ACCIDENT IS 1 IN 11!
That this number can be divided between anonymous and non anonymous books in such manner as to be multiples of 11 could also be accident; However, THE CHANCE IS 1 IN 11 TIMES 11 or ONE CHANCE IN 121!
That this number can be divided between the non anonymous by 11's among the authors of only one book and those of more than one book could also be accidental; However, the chance for it being accident is ONE IN 11 TIMES 11 TIMES 11 or ONE CHANCE IN 1,331.
If we carry out the progressions through the eight occurrences proven above, we concede that each one could be accidental; However, the chance for them all being so becomes ONE CHANCE IN 11 TO THE EIGHTH POWER or ONE IN 214,358,881!!!!
The sum of the numeric values of the 26 authors named as Biblical writers which was shown above as 7931 is a multiple of seven (Feature 9) as well as eleven . The sums of the numeric values of the 26 writers (7,931) is a multiple of 11. Of this number the 21 writers of the Old testament (3-7's) have 3,808 or 544-7's and the new Testament writers have (Feature 10) 4,123 or 589-7's. of the 3,808 belonging to the Old Testament, 2,933 or 419-7's belong to the writers of the Law and the Prophets, from Moses to Malachi, and 1,190 or 170-7's belong to the writers of the hagiographa, from David to Nehemiah (Feature 11). Seven of the 21 Old Testament writers (3-7's) are expressly named in the New Testament; These are Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea, Joel. Their numeric value is 1,554 or 222-7's (Features 12 & 13). The numeric value of Moses who heads the list and John who closes it, 345 and 1069 equal 1414 or 202-7's (Feature 14)
The Bible begins with the Hebrew word "beginning" and ends with the Greek word "saint". The Hebrew word occurs in the following books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, 1 Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Amos, Micah, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Daniel, Nehemiah and 2 Chronicles. The Greek word occurs in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, Jude, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philemon and Revelation. These books total 42 or 6-7's. take the number of these books in the order of their respective place and the sum is 1575 or 225-7's.
The possibility of these eight features of SEVEN and the eight features of ELEVEN occurring together is ONE IN 5,764,801 TIMES 214,358,881 or ONE IN ONE THOUSAND MILLION MILLIONS !!
It would be IMPOSSIBLE, therefore to claim accident or conspiracy in the phenomena indicated. The above clearly demonstrates the design of
The Bible was written by some thirty different writers from many different walks of life over a period of sixteen hundred years between its first and last writers. If we assume that it was exclusively written by HUMAN hands, we cannot account for the mathematic phenomena demonstrated. If we assume that a SUPERIOR MATHEMATICAL MIND (The Mathematical Author of Nature) has planned these phenomena, provides an immediate and rational explanation of these phenomena and others found in the Bible.
The Chances of this being an accident or by human design is 1 in 206,000,000,000,000,000,000 (206 QUINTILLION - 21 digits)
We actively solicit any and all comments that may be made concerning this document and its results. Please direct any and all comments to: SYSOP COMPUTERS FOR CHRIST
You have not been taught that God was going to send a messenger who is called Elijah in the Holy Bible. This man was called Elijah in the Old Testament and he is called the Holy Spirit in the New Testament and his sign is the power of Seven. His name, date of birth and content of his message is all based upon the Power of God. Using modern technology let us take a closer look at the secrets, the mystery and hidden wisdom which reveals the Power of God in Spirit and Truth.
There was a ministry in Texas that produced a computer program that examined the Word and this is the findings of that study. The authors of this study simply referred to the Power of God as a "phenomenon" and they are right but now that we have discovered precisely what we are dealing with no exactly what to call it. Here are the results of the computers calculations of the Word.
Now, with this "key" provided us in Genesis 1:1, we proceeded to analyze the whole Bible. Keep in mind that there are in excess of three million words or twenty million characters in the 66 books of the Bible. Also keep in mind that the "evidence" we are about to present would be null and void, in most cases, if EVEN ONE CHARACTER WERE DELETED, CHANGED OR ADDED!
The results of our complete Bible investigation and analysis is thus:
1. The NUMER of WORDS in the VOCABULARY will divide evenly by SEVEN
2. The NUMBER of WORDS that begin with a vowel will divide evenly by SEVEN
3. The NUMBER of WORDS that begin with a consonant will divide evenly by SEVEN
4. The NUMBER of WORDS that begin with each letter of the language's alphabet will divide evenly by SEVEN
5. The NUMBER of WORDS that occur more than once will divide evenly by SEVEN
6. The NUMBER of WORDS that occur only once will divide evenly by SEVEN
7. The NUMBER of WORDS that occur in only one form will divide evenly by SEVEN
8. The NUMBER of WORDS that occur in more than one form will divide evenly by SEVEN ***
9. The NUMBER of WORDS that are nouns will divide evenly by SEVEN
10. The NUMBER of WORDS that are not nouns will divide evenly by SEVEN
11. The NUMBER of LETTERS in the vocabulary will divide evenly by SEVEN
12. The NUMBER of LETTERS that are vowels will divide evenly by SEVEN
13. The NUMBER of LETTERS that are consonants will divide evenly by SEVEN
14. The NUMBER of PROPER NAMES will divide evenly by SEVEN
15. The NUMBER of MALE PROPER NAMES will divide evenly by SEVEN
16. The NUMBER of FEMALE PROPER NAMES will divide evenly by SEVEN
17. The TOTAL NUMERIC VALUE OF ALL THE WORDS will divide evenly by SEVEN
18. The NUMERIC VALUE OF THE VARIOUS FORMS in which the words occur will divide evenly by SEVEN
20. The NUMBER OF PROMISES FOUND in the BIBLE will divide evenly by SEVEN
23. The BOOK OF REVELATION outlines SEVEN JUDGEMENTS that will be made on the Earth and its Peoples.
24. The BOOK OF REVELATION outlines SEVEN PLAGUES that will be made on the Earth and its Peoples.
One of the above phenomena is preceded by several asterisk (*). The notation is made because we became unable to compute the mathematical probabilities AT THAT PHENOMENA (Note how many came after that one!!!). We had to suspend our investigation until we could provide some basis of relating the probabilities with some term that could convey the extent of the matter. Upon conferring with the math department of Stanford University, we were advised that there is a term called a Google (some spelling show Gugle) which is ONE followed by 100 Zeros (Some definitions enlarge on this and claim that Google is a BILLION TO THE BILLIONTH POWER! A term of GOOGLEPLEX, then is a GOOGLE to the power of GOOGLE, and this is what is reached at the occurrence we have noted with the asterisk! A GOOGLE amount of years can be referenced by stating that if we had a mountain the size of Mount Everest that was solid DIAMOND and we allowed a bird to come ONCE A YEAR and MAKE ONE PECK against this mountain, IT WOULD TAKE A GOOGLE NUMBER OF YEARS TO ERODE THAT MOUNTAIN TO SEA LEVEL!
We wish to restress the fact that if EVEN ONE CHARACTER was changed or ADDED or SUBTRACTED to the 66 books, then most of the above results would not have been produced! To state that God is far above man in intelligence is so much an understatement that we even hesitate to make such a mention; However, there always seem to be someone that does not realize the extent of these proofs as shown.
Some of the proofs are truly unique; such as, the NUMBER OF MALE PROPER NAMES could not hold true UNLESS Moses is mentioned ONLY ONE TIME in the Book of Revelation!
The issue of BIBLE ERRANCY is put to rest by these proofs. God is shown to have dictated EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER of the Bible, and it is inconceivable that God can make an error.
The issue of CONSPIRACY is put to rest by showing that the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY FOR THE WRITERS TO WRITE THEIR BOOKS AND HAVE THE PHENOMENA OF HAVING WORDS THAT ONLY THEY USED would have required that each and every one of the writers write their book LAST!
There may be some that may claim that this could be accidental or by design. The number of books in the Bible should be a multiple of 11 could possibly be accidental; However, since only every 11th number is a multiple of 11, then THE CHANCE OF ACCIDENT IS 1 IN 11!
That this number can be divided between anonymous and non anonymous books in such manner as to be multiples of 11 could also be accident; However, THE CHANCE IS 1 IN 11 TIMES 11 or ONE CHANCE IN 121!
That this number can be divided between the non anonymous by 11's among the authors of only one book and those of more than one book could also be accidental; However, the chance for it being accident is ONE IN 11 TIMES 11 TIMES 11 or ONE CHANCE IN 1,331.
If we carry out the progressions through the eight occurrences proven above, we concede that each one could be accidental; However, the chance for them all being so becomes ONE CHANCE IN 11 TO THE EIGHTH POWER or ONE IN 214,358,881!!!!
The sum of the numeric values of the 26 authors named as Biblical writers which was shown above as 7931 is a multiple of seven (Feature 9) as well as eleven . The sums of the numeric values of the 26 writers (7,931) is a multiple of 11. Of this number the 21 writers of the Old testament (3-7's) have 3,808 or 544-7's and the new Testament writers have (Feature 10) 4,123 or 589-7's. of the 3,808 belonging to the Old Testament, 2,933 or 419-7's belong to the writers of the Law and the Prophets, from Moses to Malachi, and 1,190 or 170-7's belong to the writers of the hagiographa, from David to Nehemiah (Feature 11). Seven of the 21 Old Testament writers (3-7's) are expressly named in the New Testament; These are Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea, Joel. Their numeric value is 1,554 or 222-7's (Features 12 & 13). The numeric value of Moses who heads the list and John who closes it, 345 and 1069 equal 1414 or 202-7's (Feature 14)
The Bible begins with the Hebrew word "beginning" and ends with the Greek word "saint". The Hebrew word occurs in the following books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, 1 Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Amos, Micah, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Daniel, Nehemiah and 2 Chronicles. The Greek word occurs in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, Jude, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philemon and Revelation. These books total 42 or 6-7's. take the number of these books in the order of their respective place and the sum is 1575 or 225-7's.
The possibility of these eight features of SEVEN and the eight features of ELEVEN occurring together is ONE IN 5,764,801 TIMES 214,358,881 or ONE IN ONE THOUSAND MILLION MILLIONS !!
It would be IMPOSSIBLE, therefore to claim accident or conspiracy in the phenomena indicated. The above clearly demonstrates the design of
The Bible was written by some thirty different writers from many different walks of life over a period of sixteen hundred years between its first and last writers. If we assume that it was exclusively written by HUMAN hands, we cannot account for the mathematic phenomena demonstrated. If we assume that a SUPERIOR MATHEMATICAL MIND (The Mathematical Author of Nature) has planned these phenomena, provides an immediate and rational explanation of these phenomena and others found in the Bible.
The Chances of this being an accident or by human design is 1 in 206,000,000,000,000,000,000 (206 QUINTILLION - 21 digits)
We actively solicit any and all comments that may be made concerning this document and its results. Please direct any and all comments to: SYSOP COMPUTERS FOR CHRIST
Using just data and looking at the words of the Holy Bible see the chance of the Holy Bible not being written by our Creator is 1 in 206 QUINTILLION. Now, when we combine the fact that this message was relayed to you using a real man of flesh and blood whose name, date of birth and little book are all written of in prophecy the chances of this being an accident or coincidence is even greater. Also, the study did not factor in the Seven messages to Asia or the Seventh Angel which the book of Revelation is about. No other religion on earth demonstrates this Power in their Word like that of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You can rest assured Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. That being the case please look over the section called REVELATION and THE ELECT to learn more about the man bringing you this message. God is faithful, the time is at hand.
impact of importance
Jesus is the light of the world, this light means enlightenment which is a knowledge and understanding of how to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus only gives one reason for rejecting many Christians who think they are getting into heaven; he says, "I never KNEW YOU" (Matthew 7:23).
It is a lack of knowledge, these Christians reject the key of knowledge which is rejecting Jesus Christ. All these people spend their entire lives serving Jesus Christ. They say Jesus is God, they reject all other gods who are not Jesus and they do many wonderful works in Jesus name. They build hospitals in Jesus name, feed and clothe the poor in Jesus name and set up countless charities in Jesus name. These people manifest to the absolute nth degree the ability to "love" in Jesus name but it does not save them. They are all rejected because of "iniquity"' which means a lack of knowledge. They know not.
When Jesus invited the Jews into the kingdom they rejected him and said they were to busy and didn't need this knowledge because they have Abraham as their father (Matthew 3:9).
Many in the church reject the keys because they claim they are saved by "grace through faith" but what they fail to realize is they are not covered by God's grace until they enter in so live their lives under feigned faith which is why they don't see how they end in destruction (2 Peter 2:3).
What is vital to understand is that it is not necessary to be able to perform these functions to test the Spirits oneself to start it is vital to recognize God sealed the Word with the Numbers which is the hallmark of divinity. To say God did not construct the Word and build the House with the Holy Ghost Power is the one unforgivable sin in this world and the world to come.
Jesus only gives one reason for rejecting many Christians who think they are getting into heaven; he says, "I never KNEW YOU" (Matthew 7:23).
It is a lack of knowledge, these Christians reject the key of knowledge which is rejecting Jesus Christ. All these people spend their entire lives serving Jesus Christ. They say Jesus is God, they reject all other gods who are not Jesus and they do many wonderful works in Jesus name. They build hospitals in Jesus name, feed and clothe the poor in Jesus name and set up countless charities in Jesus name. These people manifest to the absolute nth degree the ability to "love" in Jesus name but it does not save them. They are all rejected because of "iniquity"' which means a lack of knowledge. They know not.
When Jesus invited the Jews into the kingdom they rejected him and said they were to busy and didn't need this knowledge because they have Abraham as their father (Matthew 3:9).
Many in the church reject the keys because they claim they are saved by "grace through faith" but what they fail to realize is they are not covered by God's grace until they enter in so live their lives under feigned faith which is why they don't see how they end in destruction (2 Peter 2:3).
What is vital to understand is that it is not necessary to be able to perform these functions to test the Spirits oneself to start it is vital to recognize God sealed the Word with the Numbers which is the hallmark of divinity. To say God did not construct the Word and build the House with the Holy Ghost Power is the one unforgivable sin in this world and the world to come.
My muslim brothers and sisters
Chapter Three of the 114 chapters and 6,666 verses of the Noble Quran greets us in the name of God who sent down from heaven the Book with the Truth, the Torah and the Gospel and this entire chapter is about Jesus.
We know God created through the Word
Noble Quran says Jesus created a bird with mud and breathed into it giving the bird life like God breathed into Adam.
Noble Quran says Jesus gave life to dead people and died and came back to life and went to heaven and is still alive and will come again on Judgment Day.
Verse 27 says giving life is something only the Eternal God in heaven can do which is who you are being greeted in the name of in the beginning of this chapter.
Verses 45-55 say Jesus is the “Word of God” which means “Spirit of God” which means Jesus Christ.
The prophet Mohammed peace be upon him is telling you Jesus Christ is God.
We know God created through the Word
Noble Quran says Jesus created a bird with mud and breathed into it giving the bird life like God breathed into Adam.
Noble Quran says Jesus gave life to dead people and died and came back to life and went to heaven and is still alive and will come again on Judgment Day.
Verse 27 says giving life is something only the Eternal God in heaven can do which is who you are being greeted in the name of in the beginning of this chapter.
Verses 45-55 say Jesus is the “Word of God” which means “Spirit of God” which means Jesus Christ.
The prophet Mohammed peace be upon him is telling you Jesus Christ is God.