For the first time in thousands of years you will understand the way to turn the Key of David (Isaiah 22:22, Revelation 3:7) which are the keys of knowledge (Luke 11:52) for the Door to enter the House of God which is the strait Gate to the Kingdom, Power and Glory because the kingdom does not come in Word but Power and royal Seal for the descendent of that bloodline (1 Corinthians 4:20).
What we call the scientific method was called 'testing the spirit' (1 John 4:1) and how the prophets knew which books to include in the Holy Bible and which books to leave out. The title was inspired by the response Jesus gave by stating, "It Is Written."
The keys of knowledge established the Jews to document the Torah in Hebrew, Gospel in Greek and Quran in Arabic.
You can order a copy of my book in any bookstore by telling the clerk about it and they will order it for you with the with Direct Reseller App. in the link below.
I provide everything you need to know for free and give it away as a gift on my website and also offer a book with many other insights that you will never learn in the Broadway mainstream churches as they hide this knowledge from you. The ebook is $2.99 and the paperback is $14.00 and this book is a must have for every book shelf that has a copy of the Holy Bible and Quran. I would strongly encourage everyone to get a copy for themselves as well as friends or loved ones who are astute and love the Lord. If you have any questions please contact Please copy and paste the link below.
How god anoints royalty
Let us quickly revisit chapter 28 of Genesis where Jacob is being sent away to find a bride and on his journey stops for the night to sleep dreaming about a ladder that went from the heaven to earth with an angel who ascended and descended upon the steps.
The word for angel in Genesis 28:12 is mal'ak which is a masculine noun for the theophanic angel, Gabriel.
Jacob is dreaming of Gabriel ascending in Power on the ladder in steps of 7, 14, 21 which is going to heaven and descending by dividing them 21, 14, 7 which is going to earth.
Gabriel is the Power of God, the Power of the Highest, the Holy Ghost Power who shows the way to turn the KEYS that open the DOOR to the HOUSE of God which is the GATE and how we know to ENTER into the KINGDOM of heaven.
You will know you entered heaven when you see the Power in the Word which is when you are baptized by the Holy Ghost and Fire. Fire is light and enlightenment is revelation when we understand what we know. From the burning bush to tongues of flame all symbolize one thing, those souls know the way to heaven. This is the what Jesus speaks of in Matthew 7:13 when he says many people will seek to find this strait gate, this way to enter in but only a few will be able. Luke 13:24 Genesis 28:13-15 from the top of the stairway the Lord spoke to Jacob. In Scripture Jesus and Gabriel are always together.
In Genesis 28:17 Jacob awakened and stated he was afraid and declares, "How dreadful is this place! The words "afraid" and "dreadful" is yare' and means fear, reverence, respect.
When you read my decree about the Key of David will see why the keys of knowledge are called the fear of the Lord and beginning of understanding. Jacob goes on to say that this place is none other than the House of God and the Gate of Heaven.
When Jacob had his dream understood the way to turn the key becoming wise like Job, David, Solomon, Jesus, this writer and now you. Next, God spoke to the prophet in 1 Samuel 16 and said to go to Davids father Jesse and choose the leader of his people from one of the sons.
Samuel then anointed David as a young boy to be king but that would come much later. You can read about the rest of Davids trials and tribulations grooming him to wield that power in the prophet Samuel's books. Jesus gives the man who teaches you the way to climb Jacobs Ladder power over the nations during the millennial reign and appointed to rule as King of New Jerusalem instead of Lucifer. Revelation 2:26-28.
Revelation 3:7 says the man who teaches you this prophecy about the Key of David is royalty.
Revelation 3:21 states he sits down in the Throne of God with his brother and Father as the third man of the Godhead on Judgement Day.
Revelation 7:2 says this man has the Seal of the Living God and after finishing his mission returns to the Throne room for his coronation before returning back to earth to pour out the Wrath of God.
Revelation 7:3 says this man commands the demons of hell who fear and tremble (James 2:19) not hurt those people Sealed by the knowledge of the Power of God as those are his people. The Lord Gabriel then orders the demons of Hell to attack the men who reject Jesus Christ.
Revelation 10:7 declares my voice is the one who reveal the mysteries and secrets of God and it is finished.
All those souls are called from the darkness to the light by this man who writes the book in chapter 10 of Revelation and called One of the Two Witnesses in Zechariah 4:14 as the two anointed ones who stand before the LORD of the whole earth. The First Witness was Jesus Christ and Revelation reveals who the Second Witness is in the end.
You are the generation who are children of the resurrection and live with Christ during the millennial reign Luke 20:36.
I am showing you the one true way everyone is to enter into the kingdom so you can prove your faith and rest assured of your salvation. I am asking you to test everything I write using math, science, history, economics, geography, language arts and logic. I am reaching out to you because the time is at hand.
When I began my journey to write this book and spread the word sold everything I owned and only took only one pair of pants, one shirt and one coat with no money (Mark 6:8). If you would like me to speak to your group, organization or church or for media/blog/podcast inquiries please call 310-717-1354.
In my 14th year the word of the Lord came to me. One evening I answered the phone and a man asked for my Mother who subsequently was a long lost son she had not had contact with in over 30 years due to no fault of her own. As such, an arrangement was made for this man and his family to travel to Maine from California where we had the opportunity to meet. He roomed with me during their stay and one evening we stayed up late discussing religion as he was the pastor of a church and asked if I had ever read the Holy Bible. I replied no and he wondered how I knew so much about God and prayed I would receive one and we went to sleep.
A few hours later we got ready for the day and took a road trip to Moosehead lake. Upon our arrival there was a business that rented out planes called Folsoms Air Service so people could get a view of the terrain and while arrangements were made I perused trinkets in the gift shop. The preacher was chatting with the secretary and noticed a Holy Bible on her desk asking her if she was reading it. She said no so he inquired why it was on her desk and she stated her boss had told her to give it to the first person who asked for it that morning. He picked it up and handed it to me and it was a New International Version of the scriptures.
I devoured the word over the next seven years even though I was a total hell raiser and in my 21st year my Lord called me by name for the first time. It was late one evening as I lay in bed on a college campus and even though he has the most soft and masculine voice I ever heard was terrified.
Late one evening in my 42nd year my Lord called my name a second time as I lay in bed filled with awe. I knew and understood what I must do and could not be put off any longer so sold off everything I owned which wasn't much and gave away the rest and moved to the city of angels to work on a book I had been dying to write for twenty years.
Upon writing my book it was revealed to me who I am and what I must do which led to the creation of Seven Stars Ministry for outreach and education and calling the Elect who are all those who do not reject the keys of knowledge. They are called and chosen by God for this single reason.